Free patience training.

9. August 2020, Sunday
11° 12' 24" N, 119° 17' 52" E

Am i impatient?

Hmmm ... I hardly think so.

An impatient person would certainly not travel the world on a sailing ship and take as much time as I do. Nevertheless, after all these years in exotic countries, I cannot absolve myself of my acquired view of how things should work.


In our western civilization, time is money.
Everything has to be done quickly - quick cleaning, fast food restaurants, express trains, and expressways, fast delivery services such as DHL, UPS or FED EX often guarantee that the desired destination will be reached overnight.
The Philippines also have their own express delivery service.
LBC Express!
However, time seems to have different dimensions here than in our western world. Although the prices for the delivery service are comparatively far above those in Europe or the USA, a small package within the Philippines can take 8-10 weeks.
The price question every few days is: where is our package now? There are tracking numbers that are not updated and so we are busy calling around every few weeks to find out where our package has now ended up. If we find it, it is often in the same place for days or weeks until one of the LBC Express employees tries to pass it on. Complaint calls are ignored as well as e-mails, so this Filipino company can be seen as a free lesson in patience, because you need a lot of that here all over Southeast Asia.
Thank you LBC Express!