The rain and typhoon time is approaching.

16. May 2021, Sunday
11° 15' 22" N, 119° 21' 27" E

The sunny days still predominate, but at the end of May the monsoons will set in the opposite direction and bring more storms and rain. As it seems at the moment, thanks to Corona, we will probably spend some more time here in this area of ​​El Nido.
No problem, because as I said we could have done worse.
It will definitely not be boring, because there is still enough to discover. Apart from that, there should also be people who travel to the same places every year for their entire life because they like it so much there. Compared to that, even after more than a year in Palawan we still have enough new things to explore before we get bored. Nevertheless, like you, we long for the day when we can travel freely again without restrictions.