This small island with the surrounding reef has been on Odin's wish list for a long time.
After all, it should be one of the most beautiful diving spots in the world and hardly be touched by diving tourism.
However, you can only anchor in front of the island when there is very little wind, otherwise it can get quite uncomfortable!
Finally the weather was perfect, so that we could sail the crossing and then, according to the weather forecast, the wind died down as planned.
We, apart from the Odin, are David with the Suvarov and Jason with his small 9 meter sailor Bodhran, with which he has been sailing in the South Pacific for the past 7 years, mostly alone and without a crew.
Sometimes, however, he takes paying guests on board, as is currently the case.
That's why Melanie from Canada has been on board his little sailor for a few weeks now.
All are enthusiastic divers and so they are of course happy that Odin has his own diving compressor on board, which makes you independent of diving schools, but makes a lot of noise every evening when filling the bottles.
The island itself is a bird paradise where thousands upon thousands of gannets and frigatebirds nest. Every evening the sky is almost black from the giant birds and when the sun goes down there is a great commotion around the best place to sleep. Splendid!
The underwater world is an absolute dream. Millions and millions of colorful tropical fish, intact corals in incredible colors and shapes. An absolute paradise!
But take a look at the pictures and you'll know what I mean.