Nothing happens!

2. February 2011, Wednesday
9° 32' 57" N, 78° 53' 19" W

A few years ago, when I was still in Germany, I sometimes imagined what it would be like if I passed a newspaper stand early in the morning and the first page of the newspaper had the following message in bold letters:
No catastrophes, no bad stock market news, no terrorist attacks, no politicians caught lying, not even a Hollywood star gets divorced or adopts 10-15 children from some exotic country.

I imagined this was the perfect day.

Apart from the fact that here in the Kuna-Yala archipelago, with its 365 islands and islets, a ripe coconut falls from the tree, nothing really happens here.
No television, no radio, no newspapers, nothing that disturbs this peace!
Certainly this is one of the reasons why the Kuna Indians are so content, friendly and even-tempered.

We swim, snorkel, laze around, watch the incredibly exciting rolling of the waves on the reef, the play of colors in the water and the setting sun, we listen to the warm wind gently blowing through the palm leaves and with it new shadow plays on the white sand conjures.
We consciously enjoy our last few days away from the hustle and bustle of the world, are happy that Ute's mother likes it so much and are already mentally preparing, so to speak, for the week-long, huge Pacific route that we want to tackle soon.

In other words, for now:
Message from the Odin: