
25. August 2008, Monday
Position unbekannt

The days flow by, light and carefree like Rod Stewart swing music.
We are still anchoring in the bay of Mahon, together with our friends we spend the days playing bagammon, lazing around and in the evenings cooking with Dominik and Johannes is currently my favorite pastime.
It's incredibly fun to have the time to try new things, to stand in the kitchen for hours, experimenting and then to see satisfied faces that are enthusiastic about what you've cooked together.
(It's a pity that my dear Bertel only enjoys eating and not cooking!)
Of course, one or the other glass of red wine should not be missing. In such an environment and company, even a Chateau de Carton (tetrapack wine) becomes a 1976 Rothschild.
As I write these lines, Rod Stewart swings out of the speaker with indescribable ease, I smile and couldn't imagine a better life at the moment!