14. March 2014, Friday
16° 47' 57" S, 179° 57' 21" E
As I write these lines, it is 10 p.m. and the thermometer on the ship is still showing 35 degrees and almost 80 percent humidity.
It's bewitched at the moment.
Tropical depressions or cyclones constantly pass east and west of the Fiji Islands and hold the extremely humid and hot climate like in a sauna.
Actually, some shore excursions to some of the surrounding islands were planned, but with the temperatures one is glad if one does not have to move.
So only the world remains under water again, that's why this time instead of jungle and beach pictures there are underwater shots again.
Even if it doesn't make that impression since the last logbook entries and photos, but believe me; there is also land and beaches in Fiji. ;)