2000 days of vacation!

13. February 2013, Wednesday
Position unbekannt

If I calculated correctly, in February I already have over 2000 days of HOLIDAY....or whatever you want to call a circumnavigation (around) the world.
LECKMICFETT, how time flies...

In August 2007 we cast off in Lignano, Italy.

Actually, it was planned to have sailed around the world in 5 to 6 years, so that we could really take our time on the second round.
But now Odin is in his sixth year sailing and we're not even halfway there.
Too slow?
Absolutely no way!
There were just too many beautiful places on the way where we wanted to stay longer...had....were allowed!

A lot has happened in the past 2000 days. Too much to remember everything.
That's why we tried to capture a few moments with thousands of pictures and wrote down our thoughts in the log book.
On the one hand, to let dear friends at home participate in this journey, on the other hand maybe for some as inspiration.
Last but not least, in order to be able to understand this journey of my/our life again in a few years.

Now that we're halfway there I think....man, that was pretty fast...let's slow down now ;o))