Driving car wrecks

13. September 2012, Thursday
18° 39' 21" S, 173° 58' 58" W

So let's be honest:
On this trip we have already seen a number of cars that would immediately cause a heart attack, nervous intermenstrual bleeding or spontaneous erectile dysfunction to a TÜV employee in Germany.
Boy, were there scrap carts.
However, here in Neiafu/Tonga, probably the world capital, is the Mecca of all scrap carts.
A vehicle that is not rusted, dented or filthy stands out on the road like a sore thumb with a flare up its butt.
Even many rental cars for tourists or rental motorcycles would be scrapped immediately in Germany.
If you look at all this, you think that the TÜV may not be such a bad invention after all. Although gentlemen from the Technical Monitoring Association often, very often, overdo it!