south sea smile
5. May 2012, Saturday
16° 31' 46" S, 151° 43' 55" W
Bora Bora. It is considered the most beautiful island in the world. She has sung countless songs and she is the epitome of wanderlust.
Well, I don't want to judge whether it's really the most beautiful, as I've seen so many other dreamlike islands on this trip. But in any case, it is one of the absolute jewels of the Pacific.
Bora Bora was also one of the reasons I bought a ship. Visiting such dream islands on my own keel, with plenty of time in my luggage, was a dream that never let go of me.
Rudi is over the moon. Not only because of the beauty of the island, but also because of the friendliness of its people and the Polynesian "easy going". In any case, Mr. Schmidt has the South Seas smile on his face after a short time ;o)