asses of the world
Surely you have already been surprised not to find any new logbook entries and pictures here on the homepage.
The reason was neither that we were shipwrecked nor that we became lazy to write. The cause was simply that Colombia and Panama were flooded by the heaviest rainfall in the last 100 years.
Whole bridges and roads were washed away, villages were flooded and there were numerous fatalities.
So there was no way for us to get internet access while we were anchored here in the ass of the world.
You're probably wondering:
"Where is the ass in the world anyway?"
Well, one of the questions that has occupied mankind for generations, an elementary gap in knowledge of the homonoid race, can now finally be considered resolved!
With a bit of luck (which apparently accompanies us on this trip), you will find several.
From our anchorage in Cholon/Colombia with the dinghy through a mangrove swamp. Then a bit across the open sea, again a passage through mangrove forests, up over a brackish water lake into a river - and you'll find Baru.
The ass of the world shines at us in the form of this godforsaken nest in the middle of the jungle.
As I said, Colombia and Panama are experiencing the heaviest rainfall in 100 years, after a few weeks something like that gets on your spirits and everything seems even more desolate than it already is.
Pitiful corrugated iron huts next to brightly painted wooden houses. Old, slowly decaying mansions that have certainly seen better days and many of them are emblazoned with the number 1938.
We ask ourselves, what drove people here in the middle of the jungle almost 70 years ago?
No road other than the muddy village paths covered in shit by roaming emaciated pigs, no land connection through the jungle to the outside world. This is not an emergency due to the storms, but normal fact
If Hollywood were looking for a film set that dealt with boredom and sadness in an adventure film, the little town of Baru, one of the asses in the world, would definitely be the first choice ;o)