waiting for wind

18. October 2008, Saturday
36° 9' 27" N, 5° 21' 50" W

After we have done all the work that needs to be done in the marina, we are now back at anchor romantically, right next to the airport tramway and waiting together with other sailors from all over the world for the right wind for the passage to the Canary Islands.
Actually, the first small stage of our circumnavigation is behind us:
The Mediterranean.
A fickle diva about her winds, as said before: too much, too little, or from the wrong direction!
However, we will never again experience as much concentrated culture on our way around the world as we do here.
For thousands of years of history, we took just over a year.
We have seen everything from lonely stands and free ports to Ballermann and port fees of 250 euros per night.
As the saying goes in sailing circles:

Are you staying too long in the Mediterranean
you will soon run out of funds!

Atlantic here we come!
Assuming Rasmus can be persuaded to blow from the right direction in the next few days.